EAN: 9784756259479
ISBN: 978-4-7562-5947-9 // ISBN: 9784756259479
Anno di edizione: 2025
Casa editrice: PIE International
Numero di pagine: 144
Lingua: giapponese
Paese di origine: Giappone
Versione originale giapponese del primo libro illustrato dell'illustratrice giapponese Yukina, pubblicato da PIE International.
Il contenuto principale del libro è costituito da illustrazioni a pagina intera, ma alcune pagine contengono testi, che sono solo in giapponese senza furigana.
Descrizione del prodotto fornita dall'editore in inglese:
The first illustration collection from Yukina, the illustrator who draws stylish characters.
Yukina is a young illustrator who is all the rage on social media.
This book is a carefully selected collection of artwork and sketches on the theme of fashion, from the artist's beginnings as an illustrator to her most recent works.
Modern fashion, adorable character design: don't miss the depictions of flexible bodies drawn in meticulous detail.
With chapters on the theme of OOTD illustrations, a collection of ‘one mile wear’, uniforms, dresses and suits, and more, you can enjoy a wide variety of Yukina's fashion illustrations. A chapter on sketches in the second half of the book also offers a good insight into Yukina's drawing technique.
This book features numerous newly drawn artworks created just for this book, along with original illustrations that appear on social media.