EAN: 9784866397085
ISBN: 978-4-86639-708-5 // ISBN: 9784866397085
Anno di edizione: 2024
Casa editrice: ASK
Numero di pagine: 156
Lingua: giapponese, inglese
Paese di origine: Giappone
Descrizione in inglese fornita dall'editore:
□ Understand the level of politeness of honorifics
When speaking with someone of higher status, the polite speech “Keigo” used for addressing a “teacher” differs slightly from that used for a “senior.”
This book introduces three levels of expressions: “expressions used in conversation with friends,” “polite ways of saying things,” and “more polite ways of saying things.
You can learn the different levels of politeness of honorifics and the impression each expression gives with this book.
□ Learn how to speak in a way that makes a better impression.
This book introduces the “unimpressive way of speaking” and the “charming way of speaking” tailored to different situations.
We explain what aspects make the “unimpressive way of speaking,” and how to improve the impression by choosing different words.
◆ About Nihongonomori
The YouTube channel Nihongonomori, popular among many Japanese learners, has put together a conversation book!
□ 敬語の丁寧さのレベルを理解できる
□ もっと印象が良くなる話し方を学べる
◆ 「日本語の森」 について