
A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar

EAN: 9784789004541

A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar
ISBN: 978-4-7890-0454-1 //  ISBN: 9784789004541
Anno di edizione: 1989 
Casa editrice: The Japan Times
Numero di pagine: 634
Lingua: giapponese, inglese
Paese di origine: Giappone

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Questo libro di grammatica giapponese è il più venduto nella storie delle 60 risptampe.

Note dell'editore (Japan Times)

This is … the first comprehensive dictionary of Japanese grammar … a standard reference.
- Japan Economic Journal

A DICTIONARY OF BASIC JAPANESE GRAMMAR offers a new approach to the interpretation of Japanese grammar and provides, in dictionary format, a convenient reference of grammar-related expressions. Accurate and concise, the grammar explanations incorporate the results of recent research in Japanese linguistics.

This work is designed primarily for such people as those who
--are not satisfied with the grammar explanations in Japanese textbooks,
--have studied Japanese grammar but need more comprehensive information about its use in different contexts,
--want to learn the distinctions among similar grammatical expressions,
--are looking for a supplement to dictionaries which lack grammatical explanations,
--need a basic grammar review.


- The first section familiarizes the reader with the grammatical terms used throughout the text.
- The second provides an overview of the major grammar concepts of Japanese.
- The third and main portion of the text is devoted to descriptions and explanations of the basic grammar items.
- The fourth and fifth sections, consisting of eight appendixes and three indexes, complete the text.

This book helps the reader to obtain an in-depth understanding of basic grammar structures, which leads to more accurate usage. Overall,
 it constitutes a standard reference for Japanese and can be considered indispensable to the study of the language.

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