
Hiyaku. An Intermediate Japanese Course

EAN: 9780415608978

Hiyaku. An Intermediate Japanese Course
ISBN: 978-0-415-60897-8 //  ISBN: 9780415608978
Anno di edizione: 2011
Casa editrice: Routledge
Numero di pagine: 266
Lingua: inglese, giapponese
Paese di origine: UK

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Questo libro ha una pagina di accompagnamento che offre audio, esercizi ed altro ancora.

Descrizione fornita dall'editore:

Hiyaku: An Intermediate Japanese Course provides a progressive intermediate course in Japanese, incorporating modern teaching methods and practicing all four language skills. Hiyaku provides content-based instruction, with authentic and semi-authentic dialogues and readings, all carefully selected to instruct and inspire students as they learn Japanese.

Key features of the textbook include:

- highly structured chapters, beginning with warm-up exercises followed by focused practice of each of the four skills
- gradual introduction to increasingly authentic materials
- content taken from original Japanese sources such as books, TV programs, magazines, newspapers, and websites
- extensive audio material provided as FREE MP3 files on a companion website
- instructor’s materials, including PowerPoint files provided through the companion website.

Hiyaku does not simply teach language and basic cultural points: it also helps students gain a holistic understanding of Japanese society and history, and provides the necessary foundation for the advanced study of Japan and its language.

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