
Nihongo Daijobu! - Elementary Japanese Through Practical Tasks - Book 1 - Free Audio Donwload

EAN: 9784789018913

ISBN: 978-4-7890-1891-3 // ISBN: 9784789018913
Anno di edizione: 2024
Casa editrice: The Japan Times
Numero di pagine: 296
Lingua: giapponese, inglese
Paese di origine: Giappone

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Primo volume di Nihongo Daijobu!, una serie destinata ai principianti che vogliono imparare a comunicare in giapponese. Il livello principianti contiene 2 volumi con 24 unità in cui gli studenti impareranno a comunicare in diverse situazioni come: vita quotidiana, lavoro, famiglia, un supermercato ecc.

Poiché l'obiettivo principale della serie è quello di aumentare le capacità di comunicazione, questo metodo contiene molti esercizi in cui gli studenti devono parlare dei loro sentimenti e ascoltare e ripetere le conversazioni. Inoltre, tutti i testi sono scritti in hiragana, katakana e romaji. Questo primo libro non contiene kanji poiché gli studenti dovrebbero imparare prima a leggere in hiragana e katakana.

Questo primo volume include 2 libri supplementari: uno per imparare hiragana e katakana e un altro con aspetti importanti della lingua come le ore, i giorni della settimana, i giorni del mese ecc.

Nota dell'editore:

This task-centered textbook helps beginning learners master fundamental communication skills through a practical, step-by-step approach.
Every unit progressively builds up communication skills by taking learners through tasks that challenge them to practically apply their skills in diverse activities. In contrast with lessons that focus on rote memorization of sentence patterns, Nihongo Daijobu! introduces learners to essential constructions in a flexible, intuitive way, helping them to acquire the power to communicate in basic Japanese in a short time. This book responds to the needs of learners who have struggled with putting classroom Japanese to use in the real world.
Book 1 is aimed at enabling learners to gain reasonable fluency for everyday situations and a firm command of basic grammar (nominal, adjectival and verbal sentences). 
・Hiragana and katakana drills are provided at the end of the book. 
・The accompanying supplement includes sets of expressions categorized by situation, and a list of basic vocabulary.
・Comes with Free Audio Download containing approximately three hours of audio material.
Learning goals:

・Be able to adequately communicate in various everyday situations using skills already acquired.
・Be able to describe aspects of everyday life to a reasonable extent.
・Understand basic grammar (nominal, adjectival and verbal sentences). 

No. of words studied: Approx. 500. The expressions and vocabulary provided in the supplement are highly relevant to learners’ everyday needs.

Estimated classroom time: 24 hours

Text is written in hiragana and katakana, all with romanized readings.

Indice dei contenuti: 

Unit 1 Dōzo yoroshiku  (Nice to meet you)
Unit 2 Nan desu ka  (What is this?)
Unit 3 Nan-ji desu ka  (What time is it?)
Unit 4 Kaimono  (Shopping strategies)
Unit 5 Okinawa ni ikimasu  (I am going to Okinawa)
Unit 6 Denwa  (Using telephone strategies)
Unit 7 Itadakimasu  (Thank you for the meal)
Unit 8 Saikō no nichi-yōbi  (My perfect Sunday)
Unit 9 Sore, ii desu ne!  (That's nice!)
Unit 10 Dō deshita ka  (How was it?)
Unit 11 Yasumitai-n-desu ga . . .  (Calling in sick)
Unit 12 Watashi no sodatta machi  (My hometown)

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